May 09, 2005

Host Family

Living with the host family is great, but it continually makes me feel like I am six-years-old again. The other night I had taught my neighbor cousins how to play four-square. We were playing in front of a neighborhood house and my host mom came out a called me to dinner. I just said "yes, mom" and ran home to eat. Things are the same here. Not much to report. Happy Mother's Day to my mom and happy birthday to Aaron on the 4th. Une duhet te shkoj te los billardo dhe pi kafe. Mirupafshim.


At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello David,
I read "Host Family" and I laughed a lot. I guess all mothers are the same all over the world. Especially Albanian mothers love to take care of you no matter how old you are and that makes them very happy. Trust me; I'm one of them. I also read that you have tried a special dish that is famous in Elbasan and is delicious. Have you ever tried "kukurec"? Your Albanian language is pretty good. I think working for Peace in a country that needs it so much, it's so wonderful. Your family must be proud of you. Suksese and Good Luck!
From N.J.


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