July 24, 2005

Another Lazy Sunday

Just another lazy Sunday here is Albania. Didn't really do much this weekend. Had plans to go to the beach but they never really materialized. Yesterday I had a coffee and sat outside the cafe for about an hour and a half basically just people watching. I am easily entertained just by watching people interact here, so much of it just doesn't make sense to me yet.

My friend Peter who is down South in Permet was here staying with me on Monday and Tuesday. It was good to hang out with him, we have a similar sense of humor. Humor is one of the things I miss here when I am here by myself. It is kind of hard to joke with Albanians because sarcasm doesn't really translate. And I don't really understand their sense of humor either, or think they even have one sometimes.

My other friend Peter from an earlier group of volunteers stayed with me last night, and we talked for about 2 1/2 hours just about living in this country. He has been here almost 2 years, so he had some good advice and a more experienced perspective. He has been working in the local goverment of Lezhe up north and has had a rough go of it.

August is looking to be much of the same as now. I have my English classes on Wednesday and Thursday but not much else. I'm going to try to travel around a little bit and hit the beaches down South where the water is actually blue and the beaches aren't littered with trash and construction waste.


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