June 17, 2005

Volunteer Dave!

Well we made it! We officially swore in as volunteers on Wednesday. It was a long, hot ceremony. About an hour and a half of sitting in the sun with a shirt and tie on. Politics in Albania dictate that all of the officials at the ceremony have a chance to speak. So after all the peace corps speakers, the mayor Elbasan, and head of the Elbasan, and the Deputy American Ambassador all spoke. My host dad was able to come which was really good. I think now he finally believes that Peace Corps is a real organization and not a front for the CIA.

Wednesday night we had a final night out as Group 8 before we left for our permanent sites. The night involved too much raki, circle dancing, and sombreros. I'll post the pictures when I get a chance.

I left Belsh this morning and arrived in Keneta about noon. I was alot more sad saying goodbye to my host family in Belsh than I thought I was going to be. There were so good to me in every aspect. I really couldn't have asked for a better experience. Three months is a wierd time to stay with someone because right when you are getting to know them and be really comfortable you end up leaving. That's part of the reason I am glad to be here in Keneta. I know that I will be here for two years and that I will really be able to invest in some good relationships.

I am starting work at Co-Plan on Monday, but really the next three months or so is going to be about more language learning and making connections in the community. Plus the entire country takes the month of August off for holiday, so there won't be too much to do then.

We got tested for our language last week and I tested as one of the top in the group. I am really glad that I have been able to learn so quickly. Alot of it is because the guy that tested first place in our group lived with me in Belsh, so he really challenged me to learn more and we kept our classes at a good pace. I'm kind of at a wierd level with the language. I'm starting to think more in Shqip and it has turned into a wierd kind of Albanglish.

Thanks to everyone who has commented on my entries or sent me emails. It feels good to be able to stay quasi-connected with home. Have a great weekend.


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