July 28, 2005


I read an interesting article in the newspaper that kind of gives a little insight to Albanian mentality.

Two guys who live in the same apartment building were fighting over the rights to use a plot of land next to the building. One man had already built a garage there and the other wanted to use the land for some other purpose. The next day, the man that wanted the land decided to wait for the other man to come out of his apartment. When the man came out, the first man lobbed a grenade into the apartment stairwell and blew the guy up. Needless to say, the neighbors were all freaked out and the man was arrested.

I think this story illustrates well how the famous 'Balkan temper' can sometimes cloud judgment around here, and about the proliferation of military grade weapons in private hands.

In the same paper the police in a northern town found a stockpile of weapons in a cave. In it were over 200 automatic rifles, grenades, anti-tank mines, and explosives. Kinda makes you want to stay on the good side of everyone you meet around here.


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