Surprise Guests
January has been a pretty crappy month (figuratively and literally). I really haven't felt 100% healthy since before Christmas. It's been a smorgasbord of various things I won't detail here, but after waiting...and waiting...and waiting for it to pass, I finally gave in and went to see the doctor. Drum roll please................................Diagnosis: PARASITES. Giardia to be more specific. The little critters have been taking a toll on me for a while now I guess. It's good to know that they are there cause now I can get rid of them.
I most likely got them from not being careful enough about the water, especially in Keneta where there isn't too much distinction made between pure water and grey water. Definitely going to be more discerning in the future because I really have no desire to repeat this month, at least healthwise. I am going to take the meds with dinner tonight. It's just a one-shot treatment, so I hope it does the trick. I am really ready to start feeling normal again. Plus, impossible as it may seem, I've managed to lose weight from it.
I have been thinking, however, that there is Montezuma's Revenge and Dehli Belly, so there must be something good for Durres or Keneta or Albania. Maybe, Keneta Kritters, Albania Toilet Mania, but I like "The Durres Down-Low" cause it really just socks you in the gut. If there are better ideas out there, let me know.