December 13, 2005


Like I said before, it's nice to travel, but sometimes it is just as nice to have a normal week at home. That's what my week was, just normal.

I spent the weekend in Tirana with friends, so that was a good time. However, I left my umbrella in my friend's car and had to walk to the bus station in the rain on Sunday morning. It is starting to rain fairly frequently here. Winter hasn't been as cold here as I had imagined it might be, but I guess that is one of the perks of living on the coast. My friends up in the mountains I know aren't thinking the same thing.

Friday, I had a meeting with the director of the organization I work for. He called me in because he had heard that I was having problems with work, ie not having any. So we talked and it was good. I'm waiting to see if the talking is backed up with action. Today I am meeting with my coworker and hopefully we can organize a work and project plan. Right now, I'm thinking if things don't change soon I am going to take some of the other offers I have received to work in Durres.

The big news of this week, of course, is my birthday on Sunday (25). I am throwing a bit of party at my place Saturday night. Just the old Peace Corps crowd having a good time, so I may be posting some embarrassing pictures next week. We'll see what happens.


At 10:52 PM, Blogger olli said...

Hi David. We met with your boss Hank Weiss recently on a trip to Berat. My wife is working in the US Embassy and I'm the trailing spouse.

I'm also blogging at

Hope you are staying warm in the changing weather.

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Dave! I hope you had a good time turning the big 25 this weekend. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you...especially you being all the way around the world during the holidays. Carson and I went to New Orleans over Thanksgiving to help families rebuild and we experienced first hand how rewarding it is to serve God. I'm sure you feel that 10 fold. Have a very Merry Christmas and keep writing!



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